Is Full Stack Web Developer Essential for Your Business?

Bao Phan
Bao Phan
13 May 2024 • 8 mins read
Is Full Stack Web Developer Essential for Your Business?

Let’s face it, your business needs a website. Creating a robust and informative online presence is almost a prerequisite to success in today’s business climate.

But where to start?

As tempting as it may be to create a self-made website through a service such as Square Space, Wix, or WordPress, this article will make the case for skipping the DIY route and going directly for a full stack developer for your business or organization.

What is a full-stack web developer?

What is a full-stack web developer?

The term ‘full-stack’ sounds intimidating. In fact, most business owners put off investing in a website because of how complicated and menacing the entire process seems.

But don’t be put off by all the seemingly complex terminology.

A full-stack developer is effectively a jack of all trades when it comes to web development and design. Their portfolio won’t be limited to just one element of the development process. Rather, full-stack developers lend their talent to any part of the project, from UX and UI design to coding and information gathering.

Simply put, full-stack developers are very adaptable and can be a blanket solution to your web design needs.

The main differences between front-end, back-end, and full-stack developers

The main differences between front-end, back-end, and full-stack developers

A Google search for a web design agency will undoubtedly lead you to an endless inventory of search results. Navigating through the terminology certainly isn’t a walk in the park.

But don’t be discouraged and click away after scrolling through the first page of results. Dissecting and understanding all the vernacular is the first step to finding a solution to your design needs and growing your business.

You’re sure to come across the terms front end, back end, and full-stack developers.

But what do these mean, and what are the differences between them?

Front-end developers deal mostly with the visual aspects of the website or mobile application. Every element that a website visitor sees, hears, touches, and engages with is the work of the front-end developer. Front-end developers are technical, creative, and have an eye for design. Their portfolios will differ from a full-stack developer’s in that their skills are specialized and less all-encompassing.

Backend development is more focused on making certain correct data is sent out to servers. This is why it’s also referred to as server-side development. Backend developers might answer the question, “Where and how are we going to store pictures?” Whereas front-end designers might answer “when should a user provide their user picture? During registration? Should it be mandatory?”

Designers typically – but not always – specialize in one or the other. Both front and backend developers possess specific skillsets, and it’s very typical to deal with both during the design process.

Full-stack developers handle both sides of the design, and the term doesn’t always imply there’s one individual. It can also mean a small team of experts who specialize in both front and backend development but aren’t necessarily masters of either.


Issues you might encounter when creating a self-made website

You’ve drafted concepts, sketched out a layout, gathered images and pictures, and have a general idea of what elements you wish to include in your web design. Now it’s time to bring your website vision to life.

Make no mistake, just as you can visit a fabric shop, buy materials and create your own apparel, it’s entirely possible to design and create your own website. However, it’s best to prepare and plan around an assortment of possible issues.


Cookie-Cutter Designs and Themes

If you’re spending large amounts of time on website design and creation you hope to stick out over your competition. But one issue with popular website building services such as Square Space is their pre-loaded themes and designs are simply overused, and quite frankly…just plain boring.

Examine these Square Space website examples and you’ll notice that some look interchangeable. Sure, there are some eye-catching graphics and texts, but keep in mind that many custom elements, such as texts or animations, might require hiring a separate specialist to attain the look you desire.

Choosing a pre-loaded, cookie-cutter theme will make it difficult to garner attention in the long run.

Even worse, you’ll find that such services fail to give you as much control as you’d like, which can be both frustrating and limiting.


Website Design is Multi-Faceted

Let’s pretend you’re dead set on designing your website on your own.

When was the last time you brushed up on your persuasive writing and graphic design skills? Are you up to date with the latest design trends, and do the phrases white space, parallax effects, and user experience mean anything to you? How will you optimize your website for google?

We’re not trying to play boogeyman, but there’s a lot that goes into web design. It’s nearly impossible to be an expert on everything, and chances are you aren’t.

Be ready for a fair amount of tutorial watching and calling friends of friends who might know something about graphic design or sales funneling.


Technical Issues

Think of the last time you ran into a tech-related problem on your smartphone or laptop. Perhaps a wifi network wasn’t connecting, despite having the correct password; or you try downloading a new app only to get a message along the lines of “we’re sorry, your system is not compatible with this application.”

Technical problems are a fact of life in our increasingly connected world, and to say you’ll run into a few technical issues when designing a website is an unapologetic understatement. It’s not uncommon to spend the majority of your time troubleshooting rather than designing.


Save your business time with a professional full-stack agency

The main advantage of hiring a professional full-stack developer or agency is it will ultimately save you valuable resources, frustration, and time.

Developing a custom website from scratch is extremely time-consuming, and there’s much more to it than simply arranging a few images, adding a PayPal button, and sharing your creation on Facebook or Twitter.

You might want to keep your upcoming holiday open if you plan on self-designing a professional website for your business.

Website design is a time vampire, and can easily deplete your valuable free time and energy. Sure, you can throw together a simple website in a few hours, but don’t forget, you’re trying to get users to your page and create conversions.

Factor in website testing, troubleshooting, and general tweaking of content and layout, and the design process can feel like a full-time job.

Because trends and user preferences are constantly changing, it’s safe to say that your website is never actually finished. A web presence that garners continual traffic is always a work in progress and requires constant attention and maintenance.

Generally speaking, a full-stack development agency includes some type of maintenance or support; at least for a certain amount of time. It’s crucial to negotiate these terms, as there’s bound to be unanticipated issues arise, some of which may even be out of the designer’s control, such as if an app store changes its requirements for hosting an application.

In these cases, it’s nearly impossible to troubleshoot without hiring a professional.

Choosing a full-stack web developer from the start will ensure problems are dealt with effectively and in due time. Doing so will go a long way in catching problems before they arise, thus saving you irreplaceable time that can be better used for growing and expanding your business.


Do you need an agency or freelancer for your web development tasks?

There are countless pros and cons to both hiring a full stack web development agency for your design job or opting to go with a freelancer.

The clear advantage of a freelancer is the price. Given that most web design jobs can be done fully remotely, you have the freedom to shop around for optimal talent at the price you desire. If you’re willing to devote some time to the search, odds are you can find a great designer that offers terrific value.

However, think of hiring a freelancer like buying a used vehicle from a private seller. It requires you to put complete trust in them. As web design isn’t exactly cheap, one must hope they’re honest and keep to their word. There is also a risk of a freelancer quitting halfway through a project, or not honoring deadlines and project specifications.

Agencies are generally much more reliable. You also have the luxury of working with a team, which decreases the chances of an incomplete or unsatisfactory design.

There also exist tremendous opportunities for outsourcing the design overseas, which can cut costs dramatically and provide tremendous value for your money.



If you want your online business to reach your target audience and generate income, it’s best to go with a professional full-stack web developer.

Opting to create your own website can easily be as frustrating and cumbersome as it is rewarding, and unless you’ve got a decent amount of design experience in your portfolio, there’s a decent chance you’ll spend more time and energy than you predicted.

As with most business endeavors, hiring professionals will increase your chances of achieving financial goals, hitting target numbers, and turning a profit; which is ultimately what every business wishes to achieve.



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