Why Do You Need A Dedicated Backend Developer?

Xenia Tech
Xenia Tech
13 May 2024 • 7 mins read
Why Do You Need A Dedicated Backend Developer?

Web development mainly includes 3 types: Front-end development, and back-end development, and when combining the two, it is Full-stack development. Think of backend developers as the production team that makes your web page vision come to life. While front-end developers control the visible elements of your website, back-end developers are responsible for the creation of the software and other technical aspects that make your website eye-catching and unique. Professional backend developers play a principal role in the development of a website or mobile app.

Why Will You Need a Dedicated Professional Website

Surveys indicate that a staggering 92% of consumers would rather make purchases from a dedicated professional website rather than from social media accounts such as Facebook or Instagram. As the number of Facebook users worldwide is slowly decreasing, more and more businesses are launching their own websites and reaching consumers in new and exciting ways.

Control and Customization: The Advantages of Professional Websites

A professional website simply puts complete control in your business’s hands. You can customize what your target audience sees, the feelings you hope to provoke, and perhaps most importantly, the message you intend to convey to potential clients and customers. This differs from social media as it does away with limitations such as mundane user interfaces. Is Facebook still using the same boring blue-and-white interface?

Adaptability and Experimentation: The Key to Success

A dedicated website also gives authority to experiment and alter how you present your service to the world. This is vital as consumer trends and preferences are constantly evolving in today’s online market. Take into consideration the vast increase in e-commerce brought on by the pandemic, and it’s more important than ever to have room for trial and error. This makes a professionally developed website arguably as important as the product itself.

Taking the extra steps and making sure you have a dedicated backend developer can greatly increase the chances of your website gaining traction and succeeding.

Building Your Own Website vs. Hiring Someone Else to do It?

Whether you’re creating a personal website or setting one up for your online business, you’ll face the dilemma of choosing between a development agency, an individual website developer, or designing it yourself through services such as Squarespace or WordPress.

Taking the do-it-yourself route might be tempting. After all, why pay for something when you can do it on your own time? But then again, why pay for an architect when you could just buy a prefabricated house?

Professional Expertise vs. DIY Solutions

You might find that when it comes to website development, it’s best to leave it up to an experienced team of professionals. Sure, a self-made website has its benefits, but don’t be quick to rule out hiring a professional development team with dedicated front and back-end developers. Quite often, using the services of a specialist results in a better, well-thought-out solution that saves time, money, and truly reflects professionalism. Becoming a commercially viable back-end developer takes years of education and learning through both successes and failures. Development agencies learn about you and your business and design custom solutions to solve your problems and achieve your goals.

A Professional Backend Developer Might Be The Right One For Your Business

A Professional Backend Developer Might Be The Right One For Your Business

Understanding Backend Development: Crucial for Your Web Design Agency Choice

If you’ve decided to go with a web design agency, you might be confused about what exactly a backend developer does, how it differs from front-end development, and why it’s important for your business or service.

Front-end vs. Back-end: Making the Analogy

Imagine the last time you went out for dinner. You open the wood frame door, step inside the foyer, wait to be seated, and then enjoy a jazz-filled dining experience with help from your waiter and other service staff. This is considered the ‘front of the house.’ In web design, front-end development has to do with what the user sees, feels, touches, and hears – just as a restaurant-goer might experience while dining.

Now imagine backend development as what goes on in the kitchen. A restaurant’s ‘back of the house’ is everything else the customer doesn’t see, from food delivery, prep, cooking, and garnishing, making sure all steps result in safe and satisfying food for the customer.

The Vital Role of Backend Developers

Have you made the connection yet? Back-end developers are concerned with the website’s code, digital architecture, server communication, building APIs, and security. As such, dedicated back-end developers focus on the core components and features of programs, and are the mainspring behind the digital experience of the consumer.

What Qualifications for This Role?

So, you’ve decided to opt for a dedicated backend developer? Well, now it’s time to make the hire.

When considering hiring a backend developer, you need to take many factors into account. One crucial decision for any individual or organization is whether to go with an in-house developer or a freelance one.

For instance, a company might prefer an in-house developer for seeking face-to-face feedback, prioritizing employees who are fully integrated into the company culture, aiming to develop complex applications, or simply needing someone available during regular office hours.

Maintaining an in-house team incurs several additional expenses compared to outsourcing or hiring freelancers. Unlike freelance developers, in-house talent requires investment in both software and hardware, which can be costly and necessitates frequent updates.

Furthermore, in-house developers mentored by senior developers are highly sought after. If you assemble an entire team, you might find yourself with a group of experts to compensate rather than just an individual.

Weighing the Options: Pros and Cons

While freelancers may indeed provide a more cost-effective solution, they might not consistently be accessible or dedicated to long-term projects. This underscores the importance of carefully weighing your options. Remember, the decision ultimately rests with you. As with any business endeavor, it’s vital to ensure that your objectives, expectations, timeline, and budget are clearly communicated throughout the development journey. This fosters transparency and alignment, enhancing the likelihood of a successful outcome.

Other Alternatives

The Rise of Digital Outsourcing

The pandemic has made the world more connected than ever, leading to a surge in online employment and telecommuting. Companies now realize that goals and deadlines can be met digitally, without the need for a physical office. Consequently, many organizations have discovered that jobs and projects can be entirely outsourced. Outsourcing web development or hiring a dedicated backend developer can be a practical solution, offering numerous benefits.

Benefits of Outsourcing

Outsourcing dramatically cuts costs. Hiring agencies from countries like Vietnam or Indonesia provides high-quality work at a fraction of domestic prices, allowing your budget to stretch further. This cost-efficiency lets you include valuable features in your website or app without overspending. Additionally, outsourcing expands your talent pool globally, enabling you to find professionals who align with your goals. While offshore collaboration can be daunting, modern management tools and teleconferencing have simplified communication, making it easier to manage projects across time zones. Ensure your main contact can communicate clearly in your language by utilizing phone calls and video conferences

The Bottom Line

If you’re hoping to stray away from another self-designed, cookie-cutter website, opting for a dedicated backend developer will boost your chances of getting your content noticed and spotlit to the world in the increasingly competitive online marketplace.

Hiring highly experienced professionals will almost always result in quicker solutions to unexpected problems, and also provide a critical outside perspective to your business endeavor. Hiring a dedicated backend developer, whether domestically or outsourced, is a practical solution that can save valuable resources and time, as well as help jumpstart your business and heighten your chances of success.


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